To change your upcoming recipes, head to your Upcoming page and locate the scheduled order you’d like to modify.
Here, you’ll see the recipes you’re currently set to receive below ‘My Order’. You can browse the available menus under your delivery date to view and select recipes from our variety of options for that week. Feel free to choose options from different menus or order all from one! The only requirement is that you meet the $45 order minimum.
To change your selections, use the plus sign and ‘Remove’ buttons on each recipe photo. Once you’ve made your desired selections, be sure to click ’Save Order’ in the bottom right and ’Confirm’ to finalize your order. You'll need to make all order and account changes prior to the 'Changeable before' date and time, which you can always view next to the 'Manage' button for each order on the right hand side of the page.
If using a mobile app, you can make recipe selections by tapping the 'Upcoming' icon on the bottom navigation bar and locating the delivery date you’d like to modify. Here, use the ‘Remove’ and plus sign buttons to modify your menu for that week.